About Us
FALCON (First Americans Land grant Consortium) is a professional association of Tribal College & Universities administrators, faculty, extension educators, researchers and students who work on land grant programs.
Addressing Capacity Building Needs among the 1994 Land Grant Institutions.​
FALCON was created in 2004 to help address the limited human capacity at the 1994 Land Grant Institutions (Tribal Colleges and Universities). It provides a peer-to-peer network that supports 1994 administrators, directors, faculty, extension educators and students in fulfilling their land grant mission. FALCON helps establish connections with partners who share common interests and goals and can leverage resources. Click on Our Programs to learn more.
Click here to see a list of the 1994 land grant institutions.
Click here to see an interactive map of the 1994s.
FALCON is sanctioned by the American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) Board of Directors to provide technical assistance services to the 1994 land grants. Click here to see more information on AIHEC.
Our Leadership Team
Bryan Neztsosie
Dine College
Angie Sells
Vice President
Southwestern Indian Polytechnic Institute
Carrie Schumacher
Fort Peck Community College
Juan Cervantes
Tohono O'odham Community College
Amber Marlow
Past President
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe University
John Phillips
Executive Director